Make an impact with your opening profile
Here’s your chance to tell the employer why you’re different. Use this space to show why they should consider you – Your achievements, experience and career aspirations are all things that could make you the perfect fit.
It’s worth spending some extra time making sure your CV is clear and concise. Try reading it out to yourself or getting a friend to look at it for you.

Show it off and refine until perfect
That time you saved the company thousands of pounds per year or helped close that big deal. Listing some of your biggest achievements can really make you stand out.
Small tweaks to adapt your CV can really make a world of difference. Do your research, read the job spec and tailor away.

Make the most of your past positions
Are you looking for a career change? The employer wants to know that they’re investing in someone who will be an asset to the company in the future and will not necessarily choose the candidate with the perfect past.
Make sure that you show the skills you’ve learned in your previous roles and how they can be used in your new job. If you’re applying for your first job then maybe you have a hobby or interest that could show the employer how perfect you are for the role?

Hobbies and interests
Do’s – Show how your hobbies give you transferable skills. Coaching a team, writing stories or being active in a club will give you skills that an employer might be looking for.
Dont’s – Dancing, Music, Partying or spending time with friends. This doesn’t really tell the employer why you would be a good fit and gives very little weight to your CV.